Bringing personality to your brand positioning

We’ve combined our expertise in business development, strategy & storytelling to give your brand the voice it deserves.



“Brand” is the intentional identity that runs to the core of who we are, what we’re building, who we serve, and how we show up naturally and powerfully.

Today the word “Psyche” is more commonly constrained to the mind, but we prefer to infuse it with the older Greek definition which encompasses soul, mind, and spirit.

Brands that infuse their marketing efforts with BrandPsyche archetypes are impactful, engaging, focused, and magnetic.




Archetypes are recurrent personality traits we see in business, literature, and film. Not only do people have memorable, recognizable personality traits – so do businesses.

By developing your brand position & marketing strategy through an archetypal lens, you’re building on what is already strong – bringing your vision and your goals to life in a way that feels poignant and natural. It’s time to create a business that has a story to tell with eloquence, clarity, and confidence, to an audience who is waiting to hear it.


The Tale

Meet the Founders

Tyler Massie

With 15 years professional and academic experience, Tyler supports businesses in the development of marketing strategies and brand storytelling. Tyler is a geek for interesting design, and loves discovering brand personalities. 

Through the lens of brand archetyping, he makes sure that every strategic decision is intentional and purposeful, giving business owners the confidence they need to grow their businesses. 

Brittany Veenhuysen

With a BA in English and a Certificate of Business & Technical Writing, Brittany blends strategy and philosophy to craft brand stories and core messaging as unique as the businesses she works with.

Using an archetypal lens, she helps her clients bridge the gap between understanding & expressing their vision, purpose, and business goals, and winning over their ideal audience. When she’s not writing for businesses, she’s writing novels, riding her bicycle, and exploring the world.

Our Mission


Position businesses based on their natural strengths

Empower owners to make clear brand & marketing decisions

Help our clients carve out a meaningful niche, removing competition

Connect businesses with their ideal audience by developing a shared language

Are you ready to grow your business in a whole new way?


Take the first step by dropping us a line. We can’t wait to meet you and discover which core archetypes fuel your purpose, engage your ideal audience, and set you up for success.